About Lopi

Lopi products are designed and built by Travis Industries in the state of Washington. With over 35 years in the hearth industry, Lopi is a name you can trust for heating your home.

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Lopi Product


Fireplace Inserts

With 9 models to choose from, Lopi has the perfect option to heat your living space.

  • A Lopi gas insert provides a beautiful and efficient way to turn your drafty fireplace into a warm inviting centerpiece in your home.
  • Choose your size, burner, fireback, and face to create a look you will love.


Freestanding Stoves

Lopi's best selling, high performance wood stoves have been America's favorite choice of fire for over 30 years. With it's reputation for solid craftsmanship, reliable performance, low emissions, and heat efficiency, Lopi is a winning choice.

  • Choose from six models of steel stoves from the economical Republic series, to the large powerhouse Liberty, to the new Evergreen with its huge ash pan and beautiful fire view.
  • Lopi offers two cast iron models as well: The gorgeous Cape Cod and the smaller Rockport feature patented Hybrid-Fyre clean burn technology, to provide the cleanest most efficient fire imaginable.

For a live Lopi demo, visit our showroom


Freestanding Stoves

Lopi gas stoves are serious heaters. All models feature the Greensmart gas burner system and realistic Ember-Fyre burner. Lopi gas stoves use direct-vent technology, which is very efficient and healthy for your family and your home .

  • Three distinctive cast iron models: The Northfield, the Berkshire, and the Greenfield, all with 3 sided glass. Choose from three different finishes.
  • A more modern design is called the Cypress. It has the same features as the cast iron models, but housed in a simple, clean design.


Fireplace Inserts

Lopi is not so much a brand name as it is a tradition of craftsmanship in the construction of our wood inserts and of the pride to the families who own them. We invite you to share in this proud tradition. Kurt W.F. Rumens President, Travis Industries.

  • With nine models, from the economical Republic models to the amazing large Flush Wood Hybrid-Fyre, Lopi can surely satisfy your burning desires.

Experience our products in person, visit our showroom


Freestanding Stoves

The Lopi Pellet Stove offers all the benefits of wood heating plus fuel that is clean, compact and easy to use. The pellets are made from all-natural wood by-products that are safe for the environment and are a renewable resource.

All Lopi pellet stoves feature the unique HRD Feed System, a high precision mechanism which delivers different grades of pellets to the stove's burn chamber. The Deerfield and Foxfire models feature a TouchSmart screen control, built into the hopper glass. Very user friendly!

  • Easy to Use
  • Easy to Live With
  • Self Cleaning
  • Most Reliable Pellet Stove on the Planet


Fireplace Inserts

A Lopi AGP insert is easy to use. The HRD Feed System delivers different grades of pellets to the burn chamber. You choose your heat level and then enjoy the warmth.

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